This is the ‘getting to know each other’ phase where we meet to discuss the project, your expectations of timing, budget, and initial design ideas.

A feasibility report is compiled. This covers all of the planning; council requirements; any potential obstacles and suggested solutions. At this point, any potential planning, council or contribution fees are outlined, as well as any consultants that may be required for your specific project. Once we are comfortable with this result, you are booked in for a consultation with a sales team member at the Nook offices to discuss the feasibility in more depth, as well as conduct a factory tour to introduce you to where your own Nook will become a reality.
These are the early, technical stages of any build and it is where specialists from Nook will complete things such as: Geotech reports, topographical surveys, and a transport and accessibility analysis.

This phase has three separate options depending on the type of Nook build you have selected:
- For an ‘Off the Plan’ Nook: Locality plan only and design consultation to select your interior and exterior finishes
- For a ‘Modified Nook’ design: Architectural consultation, elevations, site locality plan, and site meeting to finalise your design and placement. This is followed by a design consultation to select your interior and exterior finishes plus any additional upgrades
- For a ‘Bespoke Nook’ design: Architectural consultation, elevations, site locality plan, and site meeting to finalise your design and placement. This is followed by a design consultation to select your interior and exterior finishes plus any additional upgrades.

At this stage you will be invited into the Nook office/design studio for an in-depth design consultation. Our team will guide you through the rewarding process of designing your own design palette for all interior and exterior finishes, colours, and materials.
A customer contract, which includes the pricing for the build, is presented to you*. Additionally, the contract will include an estimate of all on-site services and costs that may be required for the project, which is guided by the pre-planning reports that we have mentioned above**.
* For any custom or bespoke Nooks, a provisional, rather than a final cost is provided for the build, until the architectural working drawings have been finalised.
** The pricing at this stage is preliminary guidance only for budgeting.
Once the customer contract is signed and a 10% deposit is paid, we firm up your build into a schedule. Your project is then placed into the architectural pipeline for preparation of the building and on-site consent.
Nook will manage the architectural and consenting process, including the preparation of the consent documentation and any required consultants, engineers, planners, and specialists that may be required throughout the preparation, then manage the consent applications until acceptance.
The consenting process is split in two parts:
Part 1 — building consent: For the construction of the building
Part 2 — onsite consent: Site specific and shows the earthworks, foundations, driveway, landscaping, services such as electrical, stormwater, wastewater, water supply, and the placement and connection of the build to your property.
The preparation of the architectural drawings for both of these varies depending on the level of customisation required, and the level of difficulty or number of specialists or consultants needed for the onsite consent.
If a standard or customised plan is chosen:
The typical timeframe — from commencement to lodgement of both consent plans — is approximately 4-6 weeks (depending on the number of specialists, consultants, engineers, or planners needed). Once the plans have been lodged, council processing times are typically between 4-5 weeks.
If a bespoke Nook is chosen:
The typical timeframe — from commencement to lodgement of both consent plans — is approximately 6-10 weeks (depending on the number of specialists, consultants, engineers, or planners needed). A full set of detailed working drawings for the build will be required and usually includes input from an engineer. Once the plans have been lodged, council processing times are typically between 4-5 weeks.
Once the building consent is approved, your build schedule and full programme is loaded onto a client portal and regularly updated with your home’s progress. Nook’s quick construction turnaround times vary between 12-18 weeks from when construction starts until completion. When the home’s framing is finished, you will be invited into the Nook factory to walk through your build and get to know your future home in its early stages.
Once draft, onsite consent plans have been finalised, your project manager will source quotes for the full project scope of work. All the estimates will be sent to you for a more detailed project budget.
After the onsite plans have been approved, the onsite project schedule is set, and quotes are finalised. A pre-start meeting is then held on your site between a Nook representative and all trades required to ensure the project is achieved in the most efficient way possible.
Approximately four weeks prior to delivery of your Nook home to the site, we start work on earthworks, retaining walls, drainage, plumbing, electrical, foundations, and any other required works.

Nook manages the full, factory to site delivery process. This includes health and safety, site preparation, and coordination with our logistics, transport, and crane teams.
After delivery, and depending on scope of work, our teams usually complete your home in approximately 4-6 weeks. This includes connection of the building/s, decking, landscaping, etc.
Move in day! This is always an exciting time of the project. Once all onsite works including landscaping and the connection of your build is completed, we conduct a walk-through of your new build with the Nook team and you are handed the keys to move in. Welcome to your own, personal new Nook!